02 4954 4156 - NOW OPEN FOR 2025

Moldex Uncorded Disposable Foam Earplugs (Box 200)

$81.00 ex

$89.10 inc

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Soft Comfortable Fit.

SparkPlugs® ear plugs are made of extra-soft, extra light foam. Their tapered shape fits easily in the ear canal, and seals gently and snugly without pressure. They’re so comfortable you’ll forget you’re wearing ear plugs.

Independently Tested: SLC (80) 29dB, Class 5.

SparkPlugs® ear plugs offer a high SLC (80) 29dB, Class 5, making them suitable for most noisy environments. So, while they look like fun, they provide serious protection.

Metal Detectable Version.

SparkPlugs® also come in a metal detectable version which has a new metal detectable cord. The bright blue colour is perfect for food processing applications. The enclosed metal ball bearing eliminates any exposed metal. The ball bearing and cord are in separate holes so that the ear plugs remain detectable even if the cord is removed. The ear plugs are corded to prevent ear plug loss.




By appointment only, visit our showroom at 3/5 Superior Ave, Edgeworth NSW 2289.


CNC G & M Codes

G Codes GOO Linear Rapid Positioning G01 Linear Feed Interpolation G02 CW Circular/Helical Interpolation G03 CCW Circular/Helical Interpolation GO4 Dwell G05 High Speed Cycle Machining

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